When it comes to health and wellness…more people today than ever before are opening their eyes to alternative therapies. Over one third of U.S. adults use some form of complementary and alternative medicine.

And it’s no wonder…

Healthcare costs are hitting all-time highs. While current and future generations are facing frightening financial times. At the same time, insurance companies continue to force patients and doctors through an endless maze of roadblocks. Often leaving unsatisfied and sicker patients in their wake. All thanks to the side-effect laden mainstream “treatments” of drugs and surgery.

People are finally getting fed up!

At the same time, the complementary and alternative medicine industry has grown by leaps and bounds over the past three decades. Therapies once considered “new age” and “fringe” are now recommended by conventional doctors. And accessibility to alternatives can be as easy as going to the grocery store.

But with all the increased interest, attention, and accessibility comes even more conflicting information and confusion. Whose opinion can you trust? What products are worth your time or a waste of money? Can they really work or are they dangerous?

OmniVista Health was launched to bring a fresh, authoritative perspective to natural medicine—to provide trustworthy direction to the millions of aging consumers trying to cut through the clutter and take control of their own health.
Our publications are based on the expert, clinical experience and research of our doctors and editors; on insights from thought-leaders who provide living proof of their recommendations; and on innovators of the natural-health industry who have helped build it to what it is today.

Our goal is to put the boundless power of natural health and healing into your hands. To give our readers all the information and tools they need to live long, active, healthy lives.

As a result, we have partnered with today’s leading experts in nutritional and lifestyle approaches to health and healing. Our experts have helped thousands of patients learn how to fight everything from Alzheimer’s disease to weight loss.

Our team at OmniVista Health learning works closely with the experts to compile and organize decades’ worth of clinical experience, writings, research, and insights into comprehensive learning protocols full of detailed discussions of the science and research behind their opinions, approaches and recommendations.

You’ll understand the many options available to you—beyond drugs and surgery—to restore and maintain vibrant health for a lifetime.

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