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Institute of Natural Healing's Ultimate Guide to Perfect Gut Health
Institute of Natural Healing's Ultimate Guide to Perfect Gut Health
Safe, natural solutions to stop poor digestion from controlling your life
Safe, natural solutions to stop poor digestion from controlling your life

The Institute for Natural Healing’s Ultimate Guide to Perfect Gut Health details the REAL causes behind America’s digestive illness epidemic, along with information on dozens of natural, science-based secrets for soothing the gut.

These are hidden solutions most mainstream doctors don’t know, including…

  • The simple, no-swallow solution that clears acid and STOPS heartburn in its tracks
  • The hidden cause of 80% of all ulcers
  • The “old” vegetable extract that cuts indigestion nearly in HALF
  • The soothing herb that sent 65% of Crohn’s patients into remission – after just 8 weeks!
  • The four-legged secret to fixing constipation
  • And more natural solutions that can make your life more comfortable

The Ultimate Guide to Perfect Gut Health contains 33 easy-to-follow lessons (nearly 3 full hours) that give you a wealth of information on how to identify, test for, TREAT and help HEAL the digestive ailments that have taken over our lives…

… from GERD and ulcers to indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gluten intolerance and more – and even the most serious gut disease of them all – colon cancer.

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