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Ultimate Stress Relief Protocol
Ultimate Stress Relief Protocol
A drug-free plan for relieving chronic stress and worry, easing anxiety, and helping diffuse PTSD
A drug-free plan for relieving chronic stress and worry, easing anxiety, and helping diffuse PTSD

America is facing more stress than perhaps any time in the country’s history – and the emotional and physical toll it takes could be devastating.

Studies have shown stress anxiety, depression, and fear are the foundation of some of the most serious health concerns we know of today.

Stress also suppresses the immune system–actually raising the risk of viral infections, like the flu and colds.

It raises the risk of diabetes, pumps the stomach with ulcer-inducing acid, can promote deadly plaque build-up in arteries…

And animal studies have even shown stress appears to spur tumor growth.

And that’s not even mentioning the psychological toll it takes on the mind and brain—a scientific correlation seen time and time again.

In other words, chronic stress is NOT something you can afford to live with.

Which is why we asked our two most prolific OmniVista Health Learning experts—famed-physician, Fred Pescatore, M.D. and former NIH Researcher, Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.—to come together for the first time to show us all how to “STRESS-PROOF” the body—even during the most trying times.

What they have created is a comprehensive guide called The Ultimate Stress Relief Protocol: A Drug-Free Plan to Relieving Chronic Stress and Worry, Easing Anxiety, and Helping to Diffuse PTSD 

Both doctors have meticulously combed through decades of their own research on fighting stress, depression, fatigue, anxiety, and even PTSD.

They scoured their patient files, research folders, and information gathered during their travels around the globe in search of safe, effective solutions that go far beyond yoga, and herbal tea…

And they each carefully hand-picked their very best, fast-acting, science-backed, NATURAL stress solutions to reveal to you in this groundbreaking protocol.

You’ll see and hear all the information in the Ultimate Protocol to Relieving Stress directly from Dr. Pescatore and Dr. Micozzi themselves. It’s over 2 full hours of groundbreaking information that will help you prevent, protect, and relieve chronic stress from your life – once and for all

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